Through the information below, we hope to answer your question. Should this still not be the case, please contact us.

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Hotel Information

What is the check-in time? What is the check-in time?

Check-in is available from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM. If you wish to check in outside these hours, please contact the hotel.

What is the check-out time? What is the check-out time?

Check-out is possible from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM. If you wish to check out outside these hours, please contact the hotel.

What time is breakfast served? What time is breakfast served?

Breakfast is served as a buffet from 7:00 AM to 10:30 AM.

Are dogs allowed? Are dogs allowed?

Dogs are allowed upon request, with an additional cost of €25.00 per dog per night.

Is there an elevator available? Is there an elevator available?

Yes, there is an elevator available.

Is there parking available? Is there parking available?

Free parking is available at the accommodation, and no reservation is necessary.

Is there a charging point for electric cars available? Is there a charging point for electric cars available?

Yes, there is both a universal and a TESLA charging point available. You can charge your car for a fee.